Let Champaign County Department of Job and Family Services help you become a Family Child Care Provider.Family Child Care Provider Services are essential in ensuring that the county has a strong provider base available for those receiving publicly funded child care assistance. This agency recruits for family/home based providers, provides pre-licensing orientation and education to potential providers, conducts necessary safety and quality inspections and ultimately recommends appropriate homes for licensure through Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS). Ongoing support, education and inspections occur for licensed family child care providers.
Step Up to Quality (SUTQ) is a five-star quality rating and improvement system administered by the Ohio Department of Education (ODE) and ODJFS. SUTQ recognizes and promotes learning and development programs that meeting quality program standards that exceed licensing health and safety regulations. The program standards are based on national research identifying standards that lead to improved outcomes for children.
How to Become a Family Child Care Provider:Child care licensing rules require individuals who are interested in becoming a licensed child care provider to complete a pre-licensing orientation and training prior to submitting an application for licensure.
The goal of the training is to lay a solid foundation of child care knowledge on which you can plan and build your child care program. The training covers related topics that should be considered prior to beginning the process to become a licensed program. |
To Get Started
Visit the below link for Orientation and OCCRA training:
Types of Child Care in Ohio | Early Learning and Development | Ohio Department of Job and Family Services Have you completed your pre-licensing orientation and training? Ready to apply to become a provider? Click the below link to start the process. |
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