Are you ready to start planning your next career move? At OhioMeansJobs Champaign County, we can help you with all your job search needs, whether that’s resume assistance, education resources or connecting you with employers.
Get started today. Here are some quick tips to help you get a jump on the future.
- Don’t allow discouragement to take over. Stay positive! While it’s normal to feel frustration after losing your job, try not to let discouragement sabotage your next steps.
- Keep a positive outlook and avoid burning bridges with contacts at your former place of employment. You never know what connections will lead you to your next job. Keep good lines of communication with everyone in your network. Let them know that you’ve got a positive eye on the future.
- Be upbeat in job interviews. This optimism will be easily visible to potential employers.
- Discover the good in change. Decide to start looking for a job that is an even better fit for you than your previous employment.
- Do a quick skill inventory. Identify the skills that you’ve acquired in previous jobs or through other activities.
- Approximately 80 % of job openings are not listed or advertised. This means that the people you know are the single greatest resource for your job search. Get in contact with all of them, and ask them to watch for any potential job openings.
- Make variations of your resume tailored to the different types of positions you are applying for.
- Relax during your job interview. It’s a conversation for you and the interviewer to get to know one another.
- Contact OhioMeansJobs Champaign County to find out how we can help you with your job search.